Social Media Use or Abuse:
The Internet has a very strong platform
that has changed the communication and business transactions. Now, the number
of users navigating through the Internet is more than 2.4 billion. This large
audience demands social media, online commerce, knowledge sharing, social networks, etc., which
grew exponentially over the last few years. This paper provides a review
regarding the use of social networks or social media, particularly Facebook as
a platform in information sharing.
For the past two decades, computer
networks have grown at an explosive rate. In a wide range of environments, such
networks have become a mission-critical tool. Organizations are building
networks with larger scales than ever before and the connectivity with the
global Internet has become indispensable. Along with this trend has come an
explosion in the use of computer networks as a means of illicit access to
computer systems. Transmitted information level is becoming more important
especially as interactions that used to only be carried out offline, such as
bank and commercial exchanges are now being carried out online in the form of
Internet banking and electronic commercial exchanges. The Internet is known as a
very powerful platform that changes the way we communicate and perform business
transactions in current technology. According to the Internet World Stats
(Internet World Stats, 2012) as of June 2012, more than 2.4 billion people and
that is over a third of the world’s human population have used the services of
the Internet, which is approximately 100 times more people than were using it
in 1995. The Internet has enabled and accelerated new forms of human
interactions through instant messaging, Internet forums and social networking.
media has become an integral part of modern society. Social networking websites
such as Facebook, Twitter and have created new ways to socialize and interact.
Users of these sites are able to add a wide variety of information to pages, to
pursue common interests and to connect with others. It is also possible to find
existing acquaintances, to allow communication among existing groups of people.
However, social networking and online profiles contribute to this: giving
potential intruders a plethora of sensitive information. In safe reports that
more than a quarter of children in Europe have online networking profiles,
which can be exposed. However say that their profile is set to “public”,
meaning that everyone can see it and many of these display their address and/or
phone number.
As of May 2013, with over 1.11 billion
people in the world are now on Facebook alone, hence the danger is widespread.
As increasing amounts of personal information are surfacing on the Web, it is
essential to remain wary of the risks surrounding the ease in which our private
details can be accessed.
Statistical results of the usage of
Social Networking Site (SNS) by country and age in Europe among children is
shown in Figure 1. In Asia, there are more than 250 million Facebook users
(Internet World Stats, 2012) and Malaysia constitutes over 5% of its population
(Wikipedia, 2013a). In fact, Bernama reports that youth in Malaysia are
addicted to social media sites. Some even use Facebook at their workplace,
where people who are addicted to Facebook would log on first thing in the morning.
In their study presents the results of a nationwide survey on tertiary level
students in Malaysia. They state that the respondents spend the most time
online for social networking and learning. The results indicate that while the
respondents are using SNS for the purpose of informal learning activities, only
half (50.3%) use
With regard to the most influential factor that affected the adoption of Facebook among youth in Malaysia, peer pressure was the most influential factor at 50.5%, followed by 27.0% in current
trends, 16.5% used for personal interest and only 6.0% were influenced by
anonymous invitation. Their results show that people tend to use Facebook
because they were persuaded by their peers, who have been using the new media.
The use of Facebook enables friends to keep in touch and maintain a friendship,
which is one way to stay connected. Students use Facebook for not only social purposes
but also educational purposes. However, consistent with previous researches,
students mainly used Facebook for social purposes rather than educational
purposes. The results also revealed that students use Facebook especially to
have fun, to contact friends and to follow photos, videos, events, etc. on
Facebook. Facebook is not generally used as a tool to get or to share
information about school-related news and to communicate with the teachers,
contrary to popular claims suggesting students use Facebook for school-related
works. Thus, it can be said that Facebook is rarely used for educational
purposes. It appears, therefore, that Facebook fulfills its role as it was
intended by its creators: to support social networks. It is also revealed that
Facebook is not generally used for meeting new people. In their research, it is
suggested that more Facebook use involving contacting an existing friend,
a classmate, someone living near them or someone they met socially rather than
use involving meeting new people. On the contrary to a study in (Muise et al.,
2009), it was revealed in this study that male students spend significantly
more time on Facebook than female students. As for the number of friends, male
students have significantly more friends on Facebook than female students on
the contrary to a study in findings which was suggested female students have
significantly more friends on Facebook than male students.
A separate analysis was also conducted to
observe the differences between IT and business students in Malaysia. 86% of
variances in ‘attitude’ were explained by perceived usefulness and perceived
enjoyment for IT students compared to 66% for business students. 72% of
variances in ‘intention’ were explained by perceived usefulness, attitude and
social norm for IT students while 86% of variances in intention were explained
by perceived
Social media is no longer a luxury, but
now a necessity, however, it is here to stay and keeps growing. How much can we
perceive the utilization of this so-called technology, as one cannot imagine to
what extent that the user would go and beyond a reasonable doubt in deceiving or
preying on other users who are vulnerable? In recent years, there are a lot of
cases involving Facebook reported in the Malaysian local newspaper articles
published, which some can be regarded as excessive. There are articles on
sexual harassments/allegations, cheating (usually for money), characterized by
contempt . . . . Thus, there are various issues with regard to this matter,
some of which can be mentioned here. In the Berita Harian newspaper article
written by (Youb, 2013), political figures are utilizing Facebook and
Twitter to promote themselves for the upcoming election. The newspaper
reports that a stolen car was found several days after because someone had
alerted the authority having seen the owner posted it on her Facebook wall.
Girls have even run away from home with male friends and some had also been
raped with whom they had just befriended through Facebook. Some have also been
blackmailed by seductive strangers when they exchanged nude photographs of
themselves or even by their former boyfriends. The most daring act is the sale
of firearms, which were made openly via Facebook. Furthermore, social media at
times is used to spread lies when it should be used in a constructive way for
the betterment of society as well as for spreading knowledge and information.
The author believes that the uniqueness of SNS is not in their ability to
allow an individual to meet strangers but rather their ability to enable users to
shape and make their social networks visible to others. Many SNS members do not
necessarily develop a network to meet new people but rather to communicate with
people who are already a part of their existing social networks.
Their several challenges exist in social
media such as Return-On-Investment problem because of fragmentation;
influential factor; and time consummation. While the challenges are said to be
onerous, but, somehow there are rewards for penetrating social media
effectively i.e. successful bloggers, Twitterers, Facebook users build
audiences of like minds and interests, the authors found that users in Malaysia
aged between 17- 40 years old used social media more for sharing
negatively-oriented information as opposed to the positively-oriented
information. Youth in Malaysia seen as more likely to trust social media as a
news source, even most of the reports or information disseminated is not true.
Those aged under 30 years are now making social media as their primary
information access. They seem no
Analysis of the perceptions and reported
practices of senior Australian public relations practitioners indicates
generally upbeat views on social media and a belief that these new forms and
communication media offer opportunities to improve and even transform public
relations. However, the question remains whether Facebook is helpful or harmful
to the people (user) specifically and society in general. According to a
research study conducted by (Gonzales & Hancock, 2011), Facebook use
enhances self-esteem by providing multiple opportunities for selective
self-presentation through photos and personal details. Another research study
by (Gentile et al., 2012) found that participants who spent time on social
network sites endorsed more positive self-views. While some research indicates
that Facebook has a positive effect on the user other studies suggest that
Facebook use is detrimental. A study conducted by (Tazghini & Siedlecki,
2013) found a negative association between self-esteem and Facebook activity.
This association was related to actions like untagging undesirable pictures or
adding others as friends who they are not familiar with. Similarly, in (PR
Newswire, 2012) research indicated that Facebook has a negative impact on
self-esteem and body image.
The technology and potentially useful
tools such as social media give us the upper hand to be at a peak of expansion
in today’s digitized world. Thus, we have to keep at par with the development
because they are here to stay and no doubt will keep on growing by the years,
depending on which side of the fence that you are standing. The social media
tools and services can mean a good
thing if you put it up to good use or
utilize it. To others, it may do more harm than good and could also mean an
invasion of privacy. We have to think and decide wisely on how and what to use
social networking as such to maintain a healthy computer user, and hence
neither misuse nor abuse.
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